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Australia Powerball Lotto

The probability of winning the lottery

Table of odds for winning the corresponding prize category

The probability of winning the Australia Powerball Lotto jackpot is 1 in 134,490,400. For more details on how the probability is calculated, read here. You can increase your chances by using Wheeling systems .

Prize categoryNumber to guessProbability
Probability of winning in the Australia Powerball Lotto lottery by categories
17+1Powerball1 : 134,490,400
271 : 7,078,443
36+1Powerball1 : 686,176
461 : 36,115
55+1Powerball1 : 16,943
651 : 892
74+1Powerball1 : 1,173
83+1Powerball1 : 188
92+1Powerball1 : 66

Check how much was won by categories in the last draw or what you can win .

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