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Italy SuperEnalotto Statistics of all lottery draws

Here you can find statistics of the Italy SuperEnalotto lottery for each drawing: the sum of the balls drawn, the arithmetic mean of the balls drawn, and the smallest and largest balls in each drawing. Choose the desired number of recent draws, filter them and see how the sum of numbers, their arithmetic average and the minimum and maximum ball have changed.

This information will allow you to select numbers for future Italy SuperEnalotto draws. You can use them to buy your lottery ticket from the comfort of your own home. Just click "Play now" and enter the next draw right now. Or use these numbers to create your own lottery system. Wheeling systems

Showing 20 of 953
- Match 0 +
Numbers min max min max
Avg: 271.35 50.25
81220244573 + 4
0 182 30.33 4 8 73 4 4
263440536068 + 82
0 281 46.83 82 26 68 82 82
91865707587 + 53
0 324 54.00 53 9 87 53 53
152742536585 + 88
0 287 47.83 88 15 85 88 88
1311537581 + 61
0 224 37.33 61 1 81 61 61
167117988 + 15
0 192 32.00 15 1 88 15 15
102347498485 + 5
0 298 49.67 5 10 85 5 5
83167778186 + 10
0 350 58.33 10 8 86 10 10
152331455158 + 60
0 223 37.17 60 15 58 60 60
143353546478 + 39
0 296 49.33 39 14 78 39 39
234042606263 + 26
0 290 48.33 26 23 63 26 26
83336415168 + 71
0 237 39.50 71 8 68 71 71
283940447276 + 52
0 299 49.83 52 28 76 52 52
82528455466 + 89
0 226 37.67 89 8 66 89 89
203032386167 + 60
0 248 41.33 60 20 67 60 60
5922697484 + 80
0 263 43.83 80 5 84 80 80
22443748185 + 63
0 309 51.50 63 2 85 63 63
323457586779 + 61
0 327 54.50 61 32 79 61 61
131659667779 + 82
0 310 51.67 82 13 79 82 82
2817737784 + 4
0 261 43.50 4 2 84 4 4

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Marked 6 numbers ∑ 280
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
0 matches in 15 draws
1 matches in 3 draws
2 matches in 1 draws
3 matches in 1 draws